[..] La fonction [scl] img_str_tssscl

 int img_str_tss_xpl(){
   scltracefa(§, ƒ, );
   scltracefc("scl-%s (%s) : %s\n\n", sclver(), sclsec(), temps_char(0));

   int mode=6; // "single uniform block of text"
   int left=1740, top=1360;
   int width=4380-left, height=1990-top;
   int marge = height*20/100;
   left-=marge; top-=marge; width+=2*marge; height+=2*marge;

       "fra", mode, left, top, width, height);

   left=148;        top=647-515;
   width=1019-left; height=515-310;
   marge = height*20/100;
   left-=marge; top-=marge; width+=2*marge; height+=2*marge;

       "fra", mode, left, top, width, height);

   scltracefe(§, ƒ, );
   return 0;
 /* ƒ décorée par 🔬 le 05-04-2024 23:38:30 */
 int img_str_tss_xpl(const char *filepath, const char *language, int mode,
     int left, int top, int width, int height){
   scltracefa(§, ƒ, );

   int ierr=-1, ichk;

   char **repnom=frepnom(filepath), *imgid=repnom[2];

   int imgi=-1, widthn, heightn;
   // Chargement de l'image
   ichk = chargimage_lpt(filepath, &imgi, &widthn, &heightn);
     scltracerr(§, ƒ, ,
         "erreur chargimage_lpt()!\n");
     scltracefe(§, ƒ, );
     return ierr;
   } ierr--;

   // Information sur l'image

   // Constitution du signal couleur
   int r, v, b;
   double dr, dv, db;
   int coln=widthn, coli, rown=heightn, rowi;
   double **sr=newmat<double>(coln, rown);
   double **sji=newmat<double>(coln, rown),
       **sjj=newmat<double>(coln, rown),
       **sjk=newmat<double>(coln, rown);
       ichk = recoirvb_lpt(imgi, coli, rowi, &r, &v, &b);
         scltracerr(§, ƒ, ,
             "erreur recoirvb_lpt()\n");
         scltracefe(§, ƒ, );
         return ierr;

       dr=(double)r; dv=(double)v; db=(double)b;
       // Partie reelle grise
       sr[coli][rown-1-rowi]=(dr*dr + dv*dv + db*db);
       // Parties imaginaires
   } ierr=ierr-1; // 1 erreur dans la boucle

   double axa=(double)left, axe=(double)(left+width);
   double aya=(double)(heightn-top-height), aye=(double)(heightn-top);

   scl::string_c imgname=scl::string_c(imgid)+"_"+num_str<double>(axa)+"-"+
   scl::string_c imgpath="./srt/"+imgname;

   int chan=4, chai=0;
   int nyl = (int)round(1400.0/((double)chan));
   grafmat_dis(imgpath.c_str(), coln, rown, sr,
       "yaxislength", nyl*92/100,
       "yaxisposition", 1799-(chan-1-chai)*nyl,
       "colormap", "grey", "ylabel", "",
       "titlex", "", "linespeca", "-a",
       "subtitlex", imgname.c_str(),
       "axmin", axa, "axmax", axe, "aymin", aya, "aymax", aye,
       /*"axis", "equal",*/
       "append", "on", );

   grafmat_dis(imgpath.c_str(), coln, rown, sji,
       "yaxislength", nyl*92/100,
       "yaxisposition", 1799-(chan-1-chai)*nyl,
       "colormap", "rouge", "ylabel", "",
       "titlex", "", "subtitlex", "", "linespeca", "-a",
       "axmin", axa, "axmax", axe, "aymin", aya, "aymax", aye,
       /*"axis", "equal",*/
       "append", "on", );

   grafmat_dis(imgpath.c_str(), coln, rown, sjj,
       "yaxislength", nyl*92/100,
       "yaxisposition", 1799-(chan-1-chai)*nyl,
       "colormap", "vert", "ylabel", "",
       "titlex", "", "subtitlex", "", "linespeca", "-a",
       "axmin", axa, "axmax", axe, "aymin", aya, "aymax", aye,
       /*"axis", "equal",*/
       "append", "on", );

   grafmat_dis(imgpath.c_str(), coln, rown, sjk,
       "yaxislength", nyl*92/100,
       "yaxisposition", 1799-(chan-1-chai)*nyl,
       "colormap", "bleu", "ylabel", "",
       "titlex", "", "subtitlex", "", "linespeca", "-a",
       "xlabel", "",
       "axmin", axa, "axmax", axe, "aymin", aya, "aymax", aye,
       /*"axis", "equal",*/
       /*"append", "off",*/ );

   // Reconnaissance de caracteres
   char *text=img_str_tss(imgi, language, mode, left, top, width, height);

   scltracefc("text=%s\n", text);

   imgpath.clear(); imgname.clear();
   deletemat<double>(coln, &sjk);
   deletemat<double>(coln, &sjj); deletemat<double>(coln, &sji);
   deletemat<double>(coln, &sr);

   scltracefe(§, ƒ, );
   return 0;
 /* ƒ décorée par 🔬 le 05-04-2024 23:38:30 */
          scl-24.04 (gwin64) : 05-04-2024 23:38:30

            filepath: './don/img/cathodig_sigwal.jpg'
              - image id : 0
              - width : 5184
              - height : 3456
              - depth : 32
              - samples per pixel : 3
              - words per line : 5184
              - refcount : 1
              - xres : 0
              - yres : 0
              - input format : 2
              - special : 0
              - text : '(null)'

             <<                END OF DISLIN / VERSION 11.3.2                <<
             <<  Date    : 05.04.2024  Time    : 23:38:49  Pageformat: DA4L  <<
             <<  Vectors : 249         Warnings: 0         Fileformat:  PDF  <<
             <<  Metafile: ./srt/cathodig_sigwal_1614-4506_1340-2222.pdf     <<

            text=SIGW AL
            filepath: './don/img/yoran_sigwal.jpg'
              - image id : 1
              - width : 1166
              - height : 647
              - depth : 32
              - samples per pixel : 3
              - words per line : 1166
              - refcount : 1
              - xres : 72
              - yres : 72
              - input format : 2
              - special : 0
              - text : '(null)'

             <<                END OF DISLIN / VERSION 11.3.2                <<
             <<  Date    : 05.04.2024  Time    : 23:38:52  Pageformat: DA4L  <<
             <<  Vectors : 276         Warnings: 0         Fileformat:  PDF  <<
             <<  Metafile: ./srt/yoran_sigwal_107-1060_269-556.pdf           <<
